Thursday, April 2, 2009


I remember a time thinking, " I just want to hear Aiden talk. Why doesn't he speak yet?" People kept telling me that I would one day I would probably want him to shut up and at times that is true. But now it's Kian's turn. I can't wait until he talks. I'm pretty sure he can say two words. He says them over and over. The first? Da da. The second? No. Neither one is very surprising, however, both are very cute when he says them. This morning everything was noooo no noooo no and generally he said it when he didn't want to do something.

I'm starting to understand Kian a little more. I realize he isn't just going through a stage when he wants mommy and daddy, I think he just needs us more than Aiden did. He seems to need a little more security and generally is a little more fearful than Aiden was. When he doesn't get what he wants, boy does he let you hear it. There are days where I still have to put him in his crib and just let him scream for 20-30 minutes because he's mad. When I get him up, he usually is much better. However, he is such a loving boy and is very strong. He has learned to use his voice and his recent discovery is screaming just to scream. He'll laugh after he does it. Let me tell you he has a set of lungs! His favorite food is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I don't actually think he's supposed to have peanut butter yet, oops! It seems like every stage I love more!

Today was a little overwhelming for me. We have 4 meeting on Monday and Tuesday and I realized today that I only have today to prepare for them. Not to mention Aiden struggled a little bit too. So I made lots of phone calls and e-mails and ran several errands. Aiden took his nap 2 hours late! So we're going to my parents now for chicken on the grill and then more errands! I can't wait til spring break!

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