Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September update

Life officially changes in our household because Mia is now doing an army crawl. Looks like the legos need to stay in the boys room! She is an active little girl. She definitely likes to be where the action is! She still is such a sweetheart and very content overall except in the sleeping department. I don't know what is going on but she does NOT nap well. I put her down 3 times a day for a nap and maybe one of them is over an hour and a half. Not only that, she is waking up in the wee hours of the morning too! I am not getting her up, but she is awake none the less. Frustrating for this mom! She had her 6 month checkup and is doing great. She is big for her age, which is just like her older brothers!
Aiden is enjoying kindergarten. He comes home and tells me everyone who got into trouble and what was for lunch, however when I ask him what he learned, it's always, "I don't know." Typical boy! This week is apple week for his class. Tonight he and I are making sugar cookies that are shaped like apples and we are going to decorate them and bring them in for the class. He is super excited. He was asked to sleep over at a friend's house for the first time. We knew the family, so decided to let him go after talking to him about it. Well, Aiden called us and asked for us to pick him up. In his words, "I was just really freaked out and wanted to come home." Immediately after we said yes, I regretted the decision anyways. Chad and I have decided that our kids won't be going to sleepovers at least until like middle school. First of all, 5 is young anyways, but we just feel like it's better to sleep in our own home. Our kids are welcome to go over to homes on playdates (if we know the family well). I didn't think that we would have to talk about this so early!
Kian is doing great. Not much new in his department. He still continues to make us laugh daily. He still loves playing with cars. He pretty much does this most of the day. In fact everywhere we go, he brings 2-3 matchbox cars with him. He continues to not eat much. I wonder if he eats fine, but am basing how much he eats on how much Aiden eats, cause that kid can put it away!
Chad and I are doing great. We both are giving plasma twice a week. We are saving for Christmas with it and then are saving for our 10 year anniversary next summer. Our hope is to get away for a week together (which we haven't done since our honeymoon).
I enrolled in weight watchers 2 weeks ago and have lost 7 pounds since! My goal is 3 more this week to hit 10 pounds in 3 weeks. It's going pretty well! Chad also has lost about 10 pounds in 3 weeks. It feels so good to be healthier! God has given us some cool opportunities the last few weeks and its been neat seeing God work! We are thankful for His love and provision in our lives!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

6 months old already????

On September 9th, my sweet girl turned 6 months old! Last night we went to the park, so I figured it might be a good time to take her picture. Mia had other ideas. She was way too interested in everything else that was going on!

We are so thankful for this little girl! I praise God for blessing us with her. It's hard to tell what her personality is going to be, but right now, she is very observant, happy, and easy going. She is super close to crawling. She gets up on all fours and rocks and ends up scooting backwards. She loves her cereal and is starting to eat green beans and carrots too.

Here are a couple of pictures from last night:

Daddy and Mia watching her brothers on the playground. She likes being held so she can see everything or she twists her body like this to make it happen.

Daddy was throwing her up in the air to get her to smile.

"Look Mom, I'm on all 4's!" . I have a feeling once she starts really moving, she's not going to stop!

She kept turning around trying to watch everything that was going on...who cares about the camera!

Happy 6 months Mia! We love you so very much!