Thursday, April 23, 2009

my sick child

Sooo, today I could seriously use some encouragement. I'm so glad I don't know the future because I'm hoping (and praying) that tomorrow is better than today! I know God won't give us anything we can't handle, but it's been a tough week!
This morning we woke up and I went to change Kian's diaper and it was completely empty. He was so lethargic and just wanted to cuddle. I called the nurse and she told me to bring him in to ensure that he wasn't dehydrated. Kian vomitted in the car right before we left. Kian and I went to the doctor which ended up being worthless. Basically he is not dehydrated even though he is hardly drinking and hardly wets his diapers (which is a good thing he's not dehydrated). The doctor just told me to keep Tylenol or Motrin in him. He still isn't eating or drinking and now he has occasional diarrhea and he vomitted on me 3 times today (within about 1 minute). I'm just discouraged and I just want him better! It's hard because I can't spend as much time with Aiden. Sorry, I'm throwing myself a pity party. Things aren't that bad and this to shall pass. Right? Right???


  1. Laura-we can have a pity party together! I have had a Woe is me "Mom" week! Parker has been very ill with Bronchitus and horrible asthma acting up. As for the diareah...we have been there and it does get better! There is nothing scarier then seeing your baby lethargic and no energy. We have been to the ER with P before for dehydration and thankfully the medicine they gave him worked (due to vomiting 12 times) and he did not need IV's! I hate it when little kids have to be so sick, BUT they recover quickly and it is encouraging! Hang in there-I commend you! You have 2 kids and we only have 1! This week we think he is all we want....not really but it is so true, God never gives us more then we can handle! Vent all you want-it is your blog!!! LOL Love reading and relating so well with you!

  2. Ah Laura, I'm so sorry is been such a rough week. I know its a week on top of a rough year! Scary too b/c your boy is sick. I am praying for you even as I type, keep us posted so we know how to keep praying. Keep going with your instincts, they won't steer you in the wrong direction! God gave them to you for a reason. Love you and praying!!
