Thursday, March 26, 2009

Taking it like a man

I really don't know if Kian feels pain. He is constantly falling, hitting his head, getting hit or kicked by Aiden or downright crawling into things head first. Today he was playing by the end table and slipped and hit his mouth head first into the corner of the table. He did cry for a little bit on that one, but pretty soon blood started to come from his mouth. The inside of his lip was bleeding. THEN We went to the mall real quick today and Aiden, when I wasn't paying attention, tried to push Kian by pulling the stroller back. Well he lost his grip and Kian fell straight back and hit the back of his head on the cement floor. THEN (are you noticing a theme of this post?) Kian was crawling at school and we heard a thud as he crawled straight into the wall and hit his forehead (he still has a bump). He never cried on that one. THEN Aiden and Kian were playing with our bedspread on the floor (it was so cute to watch and hear as both continually laughed together and Chad and I weren't playing with them) and Aiden jumped with both legs out and hit Kian right in the face with his foot. As Kian cried all Aiden said was, "it's okay Kian, you're okay!" And all this was just today! The poor kid constantly gets hit! A few weeks ago we noticed that Kian had a black eye, we still have no idea how he got it, he never cried! He is one tough cookie!
By the way, the picture is from the beginning of January but I thought it was really cute. No I don't have a camera yet!

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