Friday, May 1, 2009

counter offer

We just received word from our realtor that we were counter-offered. We aren't sure what to do. It's higher than we wanted to pay and it's with the contingency that it could take "awhile". Well we don't really have "awhile". Our realtor is checking to see exactly what that means. We need to be in a house latest by the end of July, so if this is going to take a long time, then we'll put an offer on the other house. So, we counter offered again and now we are in waiting! The great thing is that I'm not worried about it! If you know me, you know that that's uncommon. I am just so confident that God knows which house is best for us. I praise God that He is in control!
Aiden said something interesting to me today. He saw a baby and looked at me and said, "Mommy, you need to have another baby." I looked at him and said, "yeah?? well, that's probably not going to happen at least not any time soon." So fun what kids will say. He is such a good big brother and would be to another child as well. However, neither of us want another at this time in our lives! Aiden and Kian are definitely enough right now!

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