Thursday, December 17, 2009

morning madness

This morning we were all eating breakfast. Aiden finished and went to take a bath. Kian was still eating his scrambled eggs. As Aiden was in the bath and Kian was in his booster, I took advantage of the few minutes and starting unloading the dishwasher. Literally I had turned my back for maybe 30 seconds and turned back around to see DISASTER. Kian had taken his scrambled eggs and thrown them all across the room. Let me tell you this kid has an arm! There was scrambled eggs in the carpet! Of course I had to take pictures of it!

A close up of the damage!

I put the boys in the tub and started cleaning up, a couple of seconds later I heard lots of splashing (never a good sign). Kian had dumped buckets of water onto the floor. Yikes. At least I have a decent sense of humor. After cleaning the bathroom floor and washing the boys, I took to the kitchen and cleaned it up. I am finally done and am able to sit down for a couple of minutes. Kian is such a little stinker! Life is never dull with these two!

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