Tuesday, December 8, 2009

18 month checkup

Kian had his 18 month checkup today (yes he is 19 months though). The kid's head is huge! He is 93% in head circumference! He is 33 in. tall which is 60% and 25 and 1/2 lbs which is 39%. He hates the doctor. I mean HATES the doctor. He basically screams from the time the nurse comes in at the beginning until after the nurse gives him his shots at the end. He just doesn't like new people very much. I think it freaks him out. The doctor said this is normal for his age, but this "stage" has been going on for about a year! Kian also has meluscum (Aiden had it too). It is a viral infection that manifests itself on the skin. It can last for years and is very hard to get rid of. Aiden went through a long process to get rid of his and he still has some. Kian also has eczema and might have croup. All in all he is quite healthy. I think both of my boys just have sensitive skin.
Needless to say, with Kian crying a lot and Aiden not obeying well, it was a long appt! I am glad we are finished with it, but am very thankful for healthy kids!

1 comment:

  1. Oh so sorry!! Just had to say that I know exactly what you mean w/ that annoying meluscum.... my oldest amd my youngest had it. Well, Lucas is 2 1/2 and STILL has it and it's just plain annoying.... it just keeps spreading and he picks them b/c they itch and so then it's just a mess. :( I'm so sorry! This too shall pass! I will say, w/ my oldest we went to a dermatologist and had at least 20+ removed and it did NO good. They do eventually go away on their own... but they have their own timing. :/
    Praying your boys get better soon. And congrats on all the working-out and eating well, sounds like you are doing FAB!!!!
    ~Merry Christmas!!
