Why is it that my least favorite part of blogging is coming up with a title for the blog? I'm not at all creative! Anyways, Aiden is LOVING preschool. He today had a ladybug picnic with his class where he at a ladybug cookie and then watched a movie on bugs. He had a great time. We are trying to encourage him to learn his classmates' names. He has a great memory with everything else, but names he struggles with. His class had show and tell and Aiden brought in his Batman to show the class. I've realized that my time with Aiden has to be more purposeful. I don't have all day with him anymore. After preschool he takes a nap and then about an hour later, I have volleyball. It makes me cherish the time I have with him that much more.
Kian is currently sick. Last night we were in the car and Kian cried the whole ride home saying his mouth hurt. When we arrived home, I held him for a while in the kitchen and realized that "his mouth" was his stomach. I told Chad that I thought he might vomit and sure enough not 1 minute later, it was all over me and the kitchen floor. Of course this was about an hour after Kian had a bath too, so he and I went back in the bath. Kian fell asleep on me in the bath about 5 min later. Today he has a fever and isn't eating much. Hopefully it's just a bug. It was my first time though having a sick child and having to take another one to school.
Chad's first week has gone well so far. He is pretty busy this year as he is also teaching middle school PE. Friday's are a bit of a killer for him. The only break he gets is for lunch.
Volleyball is in full swing. We won our first match against a team we had never beaten, so that was exciting. Tomorrow is our first tournament. I'm enjoying the girls very much and having a great time with them. They truly are a great group of girls.
Tomorrow I start my 13th week of pregnancy (which mean I will be 12 weeks and 1 day along). I just want the first trimester over! I am looking forward to feeling better and having more energy.
Chad and I are starting to keep our eyes open for a minivan. We are hoping and praying that by the time this baby comes, we will be able to save up enough to get one. It will be a lot easier travelling in a minivan than our chevy malibu with 2 car seats and 1 booster seat. If you come by any great deals, please let us know!
praying for you guys for good health and a minivan!