Friday, August 13, 2010

grad school update

Thanks so much for those of you who are praying for Chad as he's trying to finish his grad school work. I know I haven't updated much, because not a whole lot has changed from the last post. Chad is almost finished though! He has one final project he is trying to get done. The deadline is Sunday. So if you could continue to pray until Sunday, we would really appreciate it!
The pregnancy is going as expected I guess. It's been a rough couple of weeks, but I just keep thinking...about 2 more weeks and I should start feeling better! I think I can, I think I can... The perk of being in my first trimester is that I've lost 4 pounds this past 2 weeks! Apparently I need to write a book called "The Pregnancy Diet". :) I have several friends who are pregnant that have it much worse the first trimester, so I am thankful for only having bad nausea.
One HUGE answer to prayer... Kian developed molluscum about a year and a half ago. It looks like warts all over his body. Aiden had it, but Kian's is MUCH worse. Aid was treated by a dermatologist and had them removed. Over summer, Kian's starting getting infected. I mean BAD. I went to another pediatrician in Rochester and she told me that we needed to go to Riley's Children Hospital to get them treated. By the way, if you know Kian, you know he HATES doctors. Literally, he screams almost the entire time for a routine visit. Going to a specialist who wanted to touch his "ouchies" (he had over 50), would be just horrible for him. We also were having lots of issues with the boys' insurance at the time and couldn't get him in to the dermatologist. Anyways, someone asked me if I was praying for Kian's molluscum. I started praying for its healing. Within 2 weeks, ALL of his spots are GONE! Praise God! He still has scars from all of them, which I think will eventually go away with time. I cannot tell you how thankful I am for this! God is SO GOOD! Regardless if He healed Kian, He would still be so good, but I am so thankful He chose to heal him!

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing Laura about Kian! and I'm praying for Chad! So glad he is almost done with grad school!
