Thursday, May 19, 2011

Happy birthday Kian!

I know this is super late, but better late than never! Kian turned 3 on May 6th. What joy this littel boy has brought to our family! I am so humbled that God allowed us to be his parents!

Kian is finally starting to potty train. If you know Kian, he is a strong willed little stinker. I wasn't sure if he would be potty trained by the time he went to school! He also loves playing with his big brother and toys. He is great at imagining and his favorite thing to eat is mac and cheese. My prayer is that this little man uses his leadership to lead people towards Christ. We love you Kian!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Kian!!!! I love 3 year olds, Julia never stops asking me why?, why this mommy? why? why that? actually julia never stops talking!lol
