Friday, November 13, 2009


I've been trying to get back on the exercise bandwagon. I have started doing Jillian Michaels DVD and it is killing me! It's a little difficult exercising with Kian trying to wrap himself around my legs as I am trying to kick them in the air! He is starting to get used to it and playing as I workout. Today he did decide to sit on my stomach as I was trying to do sit-ups...not the easiest. I am trying to decide if I should commit to a half marathon in May in Indy. I know it's a big decision. I absolutely hate running, but I love how I feel after I run. Still 13 miles is a long time to run! One of the friends from Elkhart wants me to do it with her, so we'll see! Tomorrow I am playing in a volleyball tournament in Fort Wayne. I am very excited! It's been a long time since I have played for real with other adults! Hopefully I won't do terrible! Chad has officially started basketball and it is going very well. The week however has gone a little slower now that he is gone more often. I am looking forward to games starting and being able to take the boys. I love going to Chad's games!

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