Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mark Schultz

There are a couple of Christian artists that I really enjoy. Not necessarily, their voices, but the words of the songs they sing and write are so rich with wisdom and truth. One of those artists for me is Mark Schultz. To me, he doesn't have the greatest voice, but his songs are so meaningful. Last night Chad and I looked up several of his songs on youtube and I literally balled through a few of them. Funny thing was I told Chad that I just needed a good cry a couple of weeks earlier. One of the songs was "He was walking her home". It is a great song about marriage and commitment. Another one was "I am". He writes such diverse lyrics, such as he writes a song in tribute to soldiers called "Letters from war" and one to her biological mother called "everything to me". If you have a chance to listen to them, I highly recommend them. I have been struggling with a situation and need much wisdom in how I effectively deal with it. I feel confused with the best course of action and am not sure what to do. Anyway, last night I really wanted to hear Mark's song, "He will carry me" and I couldn't find the one I was looking for. Today as I was driving the boys home, it played on the radio. I haven't heard this song on the radio for months. I thought it was so neat that God would allow it to be played at the exact time I needed it. It was such a reminder that God hasn't forgotten me and is there to "carry me". What a GREAT God we serve.

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