Here are some of the more recent pictures of the boys.
I wish everyday was a weekend. However, not much would be accomplished if that were the case! This weekend we went to my parents and Chad and I were able to go out for Valentine's day. We had a gift card to Carrabba's which just happens to be my favorite place to eat. That worked out well! After eating, we walked in the mall (which was wonderful to be able to not have children and actually take escalators instead of elevators!) and then went to some friends of ours to play euchre. Ahh...it was delightful! We celebrated my mom's birthday on Sunday...sorta (it was very low key) and then we went home! Good times!
Boys are doing great. Kian has been struggling to eat, something he has struggled for for a while now. He makes me nervous. He just won't eat. He wants to be fully independent most of the time, which isn't always possible and then there's a power struggle and then he refuses to eat. I don't want him just snacking obviously. It is a constant battle in our house. Kian everyday is saying more words, however, still doesn't use them all that much. He would much rather whine.
Chad has 2 more games for his JV team and sectionals start a week from today for varsity. We found out last night that we play the one team that we really didn't want to play first... Fort Wayne Blackhawk. Oh well, to be the best, we'll have to beat the best!
We also are finally healthy it seems! I am however, pretty ready for sunshine! I guess I'll have to be patient for that one.