Thursday, September 3, 2009

This too shall pass...right??

Generally I put the pictures at the end, but thought I would post the pictures first and then write about recent happenings in the Hibbard household.
He is so funny!

Aiden getting ready to put Kian's hood up.

My little cutie patootie!

I mentioned this picture a couple of blogs back, but never posted it. Aiden wanted to "give Kian a hand." Yes, I took this when I was driving. Don't worry, I was careful!

At Headwater's park in Fort Wayne. The boys have a blast there!

Kian's favorite thing to do right now is throw balls. Every time he sees Chad he actually shoots and makes a "swish" noise with his mouth. Now here's the update!

It was an interesting morning to say the least. Kian has been in a terrible mood recently and when he's in a terrible mood...everyone is affected! Aiden recently has been struggling with hitting Kian. I think sometimes he thinks its his responsibility to discipline Kian. Anyway, we have told him numerous times about it and well, Kian was crying (again) this morning and Aiden hit him in the stomach, not real hard, but that's not the point! I told Aiden to go to his room and he started crying as well. Any time that I was not holding Kian this morning, he would scream. I could not hold him and take care of the Aiden situation, so down went Kian. I went into Aid's room and talked to him and he proceeded to lie to me about 4 times about it. Well, Kian walked in screaming, I disciplined Aiden who was screaming. I actually thought our neighbors might call the police. It was sheer madness for about 10 minutes! I could not believe how loudly they were screaming! It was as if they were having a contest seeing who could scream louder. Today the winner was Aiden. After they calmed down (it's a little difficult to calm down 2 screaming boys at the same time!), we left (I had to get out of the house) and went to Walmart.
Both of the boys have caught a cold. It seems as though everyone is getting sick right now! The last two nights both boys slept through the night, but wow it was a tough stretch for a while! Kian was waking up about 3 times a night and not going right back to sleep (it would take a good half hour each time) Aiden was waking up twice a night (he would go right back to sleep though). Chad and I literally felt as though we had an infant again. We were so sleep deprived! Praise God that we have gotten decent sleep the last two nights! Hopefully the worst is behind us. I keep on thinking, "this won't last forever Laura, just be patient." I figure continuing to tell myself it might make me believe it!
We still don't know when the closing on the house is going to be. We were told last night that we might not know until TWO days before! That's not a while lot of time, but oh well... bring it on! Please continue to pray that all of the details get worked out! There are still MANY things that need to be accomplished before we buy the house.

Tomorrow my team plays ECA in volleyball. I am looking forward to it, but am also quite nervous! It is at ECA at 6 (JV) and 7 (Varsity). Chad and I are just going to stay for Labor day weekend then. We would love to see any who could come to the game! (as long as you cheer for my team! J/K (That's "just kidding" for all of the non computer lingo people).

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