Tuesday, September 29, 2009

oh the joys of homeownership!

I love my house...seriously it is the coolest feeling to know that this house is ours (well, and the banks). However, we are starting to realize that when things break, there is no landlord to fix them! Our lawnmower just died this last week...half-way through mowing. Also our laptop just died too so that's why I can't write many blogs... no internet for now! Last night we realized that we had no hot water. Thankfully the pilot light was just out, but it can be a little scary owning a home too!
Today Kian had his 15 month check-up (little late I know seeing that he is almost 17 months). He hasn't gained much weight or grown too much recently. He is now in the 45th percentile for weight and 50th for height. Down right average huh. However, his head is in the 90th! That child has a noggin on him!
I am waiting for one of the boys to get injured enough to have to go to the ER. They can hit each other man! Even though they get disciplined, it doesn't matter. Kian especially! Yesterday he hit Aiden as hard as he could with a metal dustpan on Aid's back. It left a nice scratch. 2 days before, Kian hit Aiden with a lego square in the nose. Aid still is bruised from that one. Aiden yesterday in the car threw a full sippy cup square in Kian's face. Kian now has scratches on his nose. What is it with boys?? Seriously, girls just tease each other, we don't physically fight! (unless you have Travis as a brother and then sometimes you are forced to fight :0) We are trying to teach them, but I don't know if they are getting it! They also now know what buttons to push to get the other one upset. The boys are so different that it doesn't take much! Still, they are great boys with each one having a ton of personality! Aiden told me the other day, "mommy, I think we need another baby." Yikes. Don't really need that right now! He seriously would love us to have another 10 babies. He is a great big brother! Kian on the other hand...

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's official!

Everson LaShay is now officially going to be a Davis! I am so excited to meet this little blessing!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Shan and Russ are in North Carolina trying to adopt a little girl. She was born yesterday. Her name is Everson. Shan was in the room during the c-section. Everson was 7 lbs 11oz and 19 and 3/4 in long. Please pray for them! We are very ready to welcome our new neice to the family! Shan and Russ will know Friday if she is theirs.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

moving day!

This has to be short because I still have a lot to do! Life has been a blur for the last couple of days! We are officially homeowners!! Woo hoo! I absolutely love this house! God has blessed us over abundantly! Today we are moving in! Chad was up until 4:30 painting last night to prepare. Mom came yesterday and helped the whole day with painting, cleaning, packing, etc. It has been so appreciated! Our administrator came and mowed our lawn and brought us dinner last night. Our friend Don stayed until 2 helping paint and shampooing the carpets! God has blessed us with so many wonderful people! I can't wait to get into our new house! I have to go finish packing and cleaning our apartment now! More to come!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

a house at last!

This is our new house! Praise God! The closing is on Friday and we move in on Sunday. I only gave exterior pictures because the owner was in the process of moving out and it was a pigsty! We are so excited to move in and have a place of our own! Everything should be in order and I just need to make sure that the title company puts something on the hud form. I will make sure to post pictures of the inside of the house once we move in.

We have a privacy fence around part of the yard, put the property goes all the wall to the big trees in the back.
This was taken from the living room looking outside. We have a decent sized enclosed gated area wich will be nice for the boys (and me). The owner is an artist and lets just say that he had some interesting decorating choices! The fence is covered with things he has bolted to it including some of the following: skulls and crossbones, golf clubs, bats, pictures, frames, balls, and much more. It will be interesting if he leaves it all for us!

This last week we had Chad's dad, Lyle and stepmom, Maureen with us. We had a great time with them! It was great to have family in and it made the days go faster! They stayed in a hotel here and it had an indoor pool. You can only image the amount of fun the boys had in the pool! Aiden swam with just his floaties on for the first time. Thanks so much for coming guys!
I will be coming to Elkhart on Thursday to meet with La Casa for the last time. Hopefully everything will work out to get the federal IDA seeing that the money expires at the end of September! We had to just buy our first appliances. We thought it was in the contract for us to get the ones with the house, but apparently, it was accidently excluded. Boy, appliances can be very expensive! Thankfully, we found a great deal at like a mom and pop store in Fort Wayne and they will be delivered on Friday.
On this last Saturday, I noticed that Kian was getting all sorts of red bumps on his face, hands, feet, neck, etc. I thought it might have been chicken pox, so yesterday I took him to the doctor. Apparently, he has a virus internally that manifests itself by bullseye looking spots on the body. Thankfully it should go away without any treatment in a few weeks. The move couldn't come at a better time for us. Kian is still getting up every night and sleep has definitely been lacking! It will be nice to be able to let him cry. Thank you everyone for all of the prayers for us concerning the house and Kian sleeping! It is so appreciated!

The boys are getting so big! Kian especially seems to grow up more everyday!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

This too shall pass...right??

Generally I put the pictures at the end, but thought I would post the pictures first and then write about recent happenings in the Hibbard household.
He is so funny!

Aiden getting ready to put Kian's hood up.

My little cutie patootie!

I mentioned this picture a couple of blogs back, but never posted it. Aiden wanted to "give Kian a hand." Yes, I took this when I was driving. Don't worry, I was careful!

At Headwater's park in Fort Wayne. The boys have a blast there!

Kian's favorite thing to do right now is throw balls. Every time he sees Chad he actually shoots and makes a "swish" noise with his mouth. Now here's the update!

It was an interesting morning to say the least. Kian has been in a terrible mood recently and when he's in a terrible mood...everyone is affected! Aiden recently has been struggling with hitting Kian. I think sometimes he thinks its his responsibility to discipline Kian. Anyway, we have told him numerous times about it and well, Kian was crying (again) this morning and Aiden hit him in the stomach, not real hard, but that's not the point! I told Aiden to go to his room and he started crying as well. Any time that I was not holding Kian this morning, he would scream. I could not hold him and take care of the Aiden situation, so down went Kian. I went into Aid's room and talked to him and he proceeded to lie to me about 4 times about it. Well, Kian walked in screaming, I disciplined Aiden who was screaming. I actually thought our neighbors might call the police. It was sheer madness for about 10 minutes! I could not believe how loudly they were screaming! It was as if they were having a contest seeing who could scream louder. Today the winner was Aiden. After they calmed down (it's a little difficult to calm down 2 screaming boys at the same time!), we left (I had to get out of the house) and went to Walmart.
Both of the boys have caught a cold. It seems as though everyone is getting sick right now! The last two nights both boys slept through the night, but wow it was a tough stretch for a while! Kian was waking up about 3 times a night and not going right back to sleep (it would take a good half hour each time) Aiden was waking up twice a night (he would go right back to sleep though). Chad and I literally felt as though we had an infant again. We were so sleep deprived! Praise God that we have gotten decent sleep the last two nights! Hopefully the worst is behind us. I keep on thinking, "this won't last forever Laura, just be patient." I figure continuing to tell myself it might make me believe it!
We still don't know when the closing on the house is going to be. We were told last night that we might not know until TWO days before! That's not a while lot of time, but oh well... bring it on! Please continue to pray that all of the details get worked out! There are still MANY things that need to be accomplished before we buy the house.

Tomorrow my team plays ECA in volleyball. I am looking forward to it, but am also quite nervous! It is at ECA at 6 (JV) and 7 (Varsity). Chad and I are just going to stay for Labor day weekend then. We would love to see any who could come to the game! (as long as you cheer for my team! J/K (That's "just kidding" for all of the non computer lingo people).